02 Exprsesions for "Easy" - Vocabulary Lessons with JenniferESL


I think New Zealand must be a beautiful country to visit. I've never been there but I did may have much to learn about how to use these. They're Poi balls. They're from the Mauri people. Now at first, it was a little bit difficult but in time it got easy. And now, I can do this with my eyes closed. If you can do something with your eyes closed, it's easy. It's easy because you've done it many times or you've been doing it for a long time.

Let me show you something else. A little less interesting but it will help you understand the next expression. This is a taxform. Many people in America don't like to fill them out. I know, I'm one of them. And that's because it seems like a complicated process. My husband would say this isn't rocket science. If something's not rocket science, it's really not that complicated.

Last thing I'm gonna show you is one of my son's toys. Let's see if we can figure this one out together. Square, triangle - whoa! Easy, right? Child's play. Something is child's play because it's easy and it's probably not that important. Child's play - pretty easy.

Okay. I've shared three expressions with you. Let's review them.

First one:

with my eyes closed/i can do it with my eyes closed

it's easy because you've done it many times

Then, I shared with you this one:

not rocket science/this isn't rocket science/it is not rocket science/it doesn't take a rocket scientist

we use this to talk about things that really aren't that complicated, although they may seem so

And the last one:

child's play/to be child's play

it's easy and probably not that important

So now, let's see how well you understand. I have three statements. I'm gonna show them to you. And then you'll tell me which of our three expressions complete each one. Here they are.


I thought it was funny that Chris asked me to help him change the light bulb. After all, it's _____.


Matt has driven to the pharmacy so many times this month. He can probably drive there _____.

And the last one:

Sue is bored at her new job. She says that the work she does is _____.

I hope you understand the new expressions and I hope you'll try them out in conversations. If you have a request for another topic, send it to me by email. My address is englishwithjennifer@gmail.com