Day One - Inspirational Video


There is no idealistic future.

You know, where it's just going to all be right

and we're just going to be happy.

The tragedy is that we don't recognize it until after the fact.

Everything is it's so cyclical

everything that is good

we can be 100% guaranteed that it's going to get bad again.

And as bad as it is, it can be 100% guaranteed that it's going to get good again.

The key is to not waste that suffering

when it comes. See it as a...

see it as a gift,

as an opportunity to open our eyes

and to value what it is that we have

recognize what is good

and be able to

really value it as it's happening.

Every single good thing that happens in our lives.

Comes at a cost.

There's nothing for free.

But at the same time, everything we struggle with

has opportunity and lesson that goes with it.

My career and the concept of 'why' came out of...

me... losing my passion and hating work.

I went through depression. Inever want to go throught that again but I'm really glad it happened.

I believe everything happens for a reason

and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together

And so by the time you are in the prison, that not rock bottom for you?


You are Robert Downey Jr. You are Golden Globe Award, Oscar nominee, movies...

The life that most people look at and think:

"Gosh I would like piece of that life" and than..

God punishes you by giving you everything you want...

to see if you can handle it.

He wants to show you something

He wants to see how much you can take, how much you can handle of life.

It's easy to embrace hopelessness, when things seem insurmountable.

It's not that difficult to overcome this seemingly ghastly problems.

You are saying that it's not that difficult?


What's hard is to decide.

You got to understand, before you succeed, you must first must learn to fail.

Like if you failed 1 or 2 times. And you stop pursuing your dream,

you ain't ready anyway.

But that's with everything... right? In life, people emulate the end result, not the process.

Most difficult situations will resolve themselves if you are persistent.

And if you don't give up entirely.

That's what I've never did. I never gave up.

Michael Jordan missed 9 000 shots.

He failed 9 000 times.

Do you get it? We all failed...

it's ok.

What is not ok is.. that when you failed you stay down.

Think about the times

when everything was going wrong.

Nothing was going right.

When there was no friends around.

No family. You are in that place...

what keept you going?

When does a new day start?

At midnight.

If a new day starts in the dark

why are you afraid to have use your dark side for your new beginnings.

There'll be times where you succeed and times that you fail.

Wasting your time doubting whether you're gonna be successful or not is pointless.

You just put one foot in front of the other.

You control what you can control.

And then you see what the outcome is.

If you win, great. You're going to have to wake up next day and do the journey over again.

If you lose, sucks. But you have to wake up next day and do the journey all over again anyway.

Is going be certain seasons in life to where you are in the season of just enduring.

No matter how things go well,

you're going to be in some seasons of your life to where you feel like ain't nothing working.

You coming down the court, clear shot at the basket, ain't nothing falling.

Man you're not crazy,

this is life, there's nothing wrong with you.

Thees are the ups, the downs. Successes, failures.

This is the totality in the process of life.

There's nothing wrong with you and you can't escape it.

"You stay calm!"

If you just do stuff and nothing happens...

"Why do you even want me?"

...whats it all mean?

Whats the point?

When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked into it

That's what the storm is all about.

When you can't control what's happening to you, control how you respond to it.

That where your power is.

Because sometimes we don't undeerstand life, what is this thing, what is my purpose, why I am here?

Why do I have to go through this pain?

Why I have to go to through this fear all the time?

Why can't it just be peacefull all the time?

Then there wouldn't be life.

I know the initial reaction when we go through things is to say:

"Why does this have to happen to me?" And that's an honest reaction.

Because sometimes good people go through some crazy stuff.

And some of the things we go through.. I'm just be real, there's not a scripture for it.

We have to take life at it's term. Life on life terms not our life on our terms.

We have to live life on life terms.

You say you love life, you want to live like... I'ma show you life.

Life is beautiful but you have to accept the good and the bad as being beautiful.

You want the whole blueprint. It's like... no no no.

Just take the first step.

If you don't fail,

you're not even trying.