10 Extremely Common Mistakes That English Learners Make


Hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from englishfulltime.com

in this video we are going to talk about ten common mistakes that English

learners make and I am hoping that after watching this video you'll never make

these mistakes again because I'm making you aware of what they are and okay so

let's just get into it the first mistake that a lot of English learners make is

they say I didn't wanted to go okay wanted is the past tense like I wanted

to go but when you say I didn't then you just have to use the regular verb want I

didn't want to go instead of saying I didn't want it okay so remember that

when you're speaking in the past tense about something you didn't do or want to

do okay you have to just use the regular form of the verb I didn't want to go not

I didn't want it okay number two a lot of you guys say thanks God okay instead

of thank God we just say oh thank God it didn't rain today or thank God I don't

have to go to work or thank God like whatever it's a beautiful day thank God

okay but I've seen a lot of you guys right

thanks God okay so now you know that's not how we say it and from now on you

can just say oh thank god thank God we have this awesome youtube

channel where we can improve our English right okay another mistake number three

is when you guys say I have 27 years old now I hear this one a lot even from

people that have a pretty good level of English but the way we say it is just I

am 27 years old or I am 35 years old I am 10 years old I am and then the years

old okay so not I have now the next one it's not necessarily a mistake number

four isn't necessarily like a grammatical mistake or something like

that but I'm going to count it as a mistake because it's something that we

don't do like socially what am I talking about

I'm talking about when you guys say hi teacher or thanks teacher or teacher can

you help me with this teacher can you do this teacher can you do that in English

we don't we don't do that we don't address our teachers

like that okay we just use their name or we use their last name like in

elementary school or high school when you have a teacher you say like Mr.

black or Mrs. white okay for example if you have a professor in

college you could say professor black professor white and I don't know why we

have all these last names that are like colors or shades of colors but we do

okay so those are the examples I came up with mr. Smith professor Smith but when

it comes to like online teachers and English coaches and all that stuff you

can just use our first name this is kind of like an informal relationship it's

not super formal you don't have to say Miss Stephanie just say Stephanie don't

say teacher that's that's kind of weird and as we're going along with this you

know number four not to say teacher I also want to throw in there that you

don't have to say ma'am okay ma'am is extremely formal it's something that you

know native English speakers use with elderly women like a woman who's like 65

or 80 years old then maybe you say ma'am or if you're on a phone call with a

client or something and it's very it's a very formal situation then we use ma'am

okay but not in this situation not I'm like I'm making a video in my room I'm

wearing a regular t-shirt like this is not a formal situation okay so

addressing me as ma'am or teacher to me it feels weird and it's incorrect in you

know English-speaking society like it's socially incorrect not necessarily

grammatically incorrect so that tip should definitely help a lot of you guys

now number five a lot of you say explain me or can you explain me you need to say

can you explain this to me or can you explain to me how XY and Z okay explain

to me or explain this to me but not just explain me now along with this one we

also have asked to I can't even say it asked to me a lot of people say oh he

asked to me to go to the store or will you ask to her to come with us instead

of saying that just they ask me or ask her will you ask her

if she wants to come with us or he asked me to go to the store ok number seven

the difference between funny and fun a lot of you guys get this confused and

let's say someone does an English class and you go to the class and you

say oh that class was so funny but maybe you meant that it was fun ok

something that's fun it's like a party you have a great time something that's

funny is a joke a joke makes you laugh it's humorous ok so when something is

funny usually it's something somebody says or it's a movie or you know

something that made you laugh that's funny but something you enjoyed and had

fun with that is something that's fun ok so number eight him/he her/she let's talk

about this because a lot of you guys accidentally start your sentences or use

he and and him when you're talking about a woman you know and and you'll get

confused you might start out by saying oh she goes to my school he's in the

same class with me and it's like whoa how did you just change the gender of

that person that's confusing ok so keep in mind keep this in mind try to be very

careful about using he and him you know for men and her she you know for women

and try not to confuse them when you're speaking about a woman make sure you

consistently use her she etc in your speech okay now let's move on number

nine a lot of you guys instead of saying like it is you just jump in and stay is

you forget to say it so you might say is hot out here is hot today or

something like that or when you write a lot of the times also you forget to say

it is and you just jump in and say is and then the rest of your sentence okay

so that's a mistake and I want to remind you guys to use it is and then the last

one is just about the way you guys ask questions a lot of times you ask

questions like when we will get they're what you will tell me how she

will do it and you need to switch two words in the sentence around instead of

when we will it needs to be when will we okay or what you will needs to be what

will you how she will needs to be how will she okay so you have the question

word the when the what the how then you have the will and then you have the you

the she the I etc does that make sense so instead of you know what we said earlier

just say when will we get there what will you tell me how will she do it does

that make sense I hope so alright you guys there you have it those are ten

extremely common mistakes that English learners make let me know in the

comments if you've been making any of these mistakes and I hope that now that

you're aware of this you won't make them anymore that's it and I'll see you in

another video bye hey guys thanks so much for watching this video if you

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in the description thanks again and I'll see you guys in another video bye