Useful Sport Idioms to Improve Your English


- If you are someone who loves sports,

then you are definitely going to love this idiom lesson.

What's up, everyone?

My name's Wes.

This is Interactive English

which is the place that you want to be

to practice and improve your English skills.

And the way that you are going to improve

your skills today is by learning some new idioms.

I'm going to teach you some idioms

that are related to sports.

That doesn't mean that you can only use these idioms

when talking about sports.

They can be used in a variety of different situations

and I'm gonna talk to you about that today.

And as I teach you these idioms

and tell you the meaning, I'll give you

some example sentences as well as show you

some videos so you can see

how these idioms are used in context.

So let's begin.

The first idiom is a tennis idiom

and it is the ball is in your court.

And what this means is that it is up to you.

It is your responsibility to do something

or to make a decision.

The ball is in your court.

So example, when you're playing tennis,

you hit the ball to somebody else

and then the ball is in their court.

It's up to them to act.

So this can be used in a variety of contexts.

It could be used in business in a negotiation.

For example, maybe you make an offer to buy something

and then you'd say well, okay here's my offer,

the ball is in your court.

It is your responsibility to make a decision now

or tell me what you want to do.

And we often use this idiom as just a standalone statement

and you would tell somebody, you know,

the ball is in your court now.

It's up to you, the ball's in your court.

- Call me back.

If you want.

(sniffs) Ball's in your court.

(audience laughing)

- I said no which means right back in the driver's seat.

- So the ball is in his court?

- The next idiom is to get off the hook.

And if we're talking about hooks, you can probably guess

that this is a fishing idiom.

When you're fishing, you use a hook to catch the fish.

So if the fish gets off the hook, then they are able

to escape danger.

They're able to escape punishment.

And that's exactly what this idiom means.

You are escaping responsibility for something

that you are no longer responsible

for this action that happened that was bad or wrong.

You are no longer going to get punished for this thing.

You are able to get off the hook.

- I don't have a choice.

I guess I'm kinda hoping you'll come back over the rail

and get me off the hook here.

- So for example, when I think of this idiom

because I'm a teacher, I think of students

that when they don't do their homework

and maybe there's a punishment and they're trying

to think of an excuse, I might tell them and say,

you know, you're not gonna get off the hook that easy.

- You are not getting off the hook that easy, mister.

- And that is a common sentence in which you might hear

this idiom being used.

That you would tell someone that you're not going to get

off the hook that easy.

That you need to be held responsible

for something that happens.

You're not going to have it completely removed.

You're gonna have to suffer the consequences

a little bit.

You're not gonna get off the hook that easy.

Then we have a baseball idiom, go to bat for someone.

To go to bat for someone means just to defend somebody.

So in baseball, when you go to bat for another player,

that you're basically helping that person out.

They don't have to bat

because you're going to do it for them.

You're going to help that person.

You are going to defend them.

- Just go to bat for them.

- I'm tired of going to bat for you and your show.

- I wanna thank you for going to bat for me last week.

- Next is a hunting idiom

and this idiom is used quite often

and it is to give it your best shot.

And often people would just say it

as a sentence and just say give it your best shot.

And this means that you should just try your hardest.

Do your best.

So when you're hunting, even though I'm not a hunter,

you are shooting something and you want to give it

your best shot.

You tell people this all the time

whether they're doing sports or business.

You would tell them and encourage them

and say give it your best shot.

- Well, go ahead and give it your best shot.

- [Harry] Come on then Nigel, gimme your best shot.

- Stupefy!

- Okay, O'Connor, gimme your best shot.

- So for example, I would tell you guys this.

If you're thinking that learning English is too difficult,

I don't know if I could do it,

I would encourage you and say,

you know, give it your best shot.

Just try your best.

That's all that we're asking you do, give it your best shot.

Next is an idiom that comes from horse racing

and that is the home stretch.

And if you're talking about the home stretch,

you're talking about the end.

So when talking about horse racing,

at the end of the race, you might hear somebody say

the horses are coming down the home stretch.

They're getting close to the end.

And you can use this when you are getting close

to the end of something,

specifically when you're about to complete something

or finish something.

So with this lesson, I'm just about halfway through it.

I'm not quite in the home stretch just yet.

- We're almost done, home stretch.

- This is the home stretch.

All we gotta do is focus.

- Hang tough.

You're in the home stretch.

- Next is a golf idiom and that is

not up to par.

So in golf, you have a score that you try to get

for each hole and if you match that score

then that would be par.

So that's the average score.

That's what you want to do.

If somebody's not up to par, then that just means

that they're not good enough to do a job or a position.

And you just don't have the skills or abilities

to do something and somebody might say, you know,

yeah, you know, this work, it's not up to par.

- So if I'm not up to par performance-wise--

- Jim, this isn't exactly a turn on.

- [Pete] There's a thing called Proposition 48

says that if your grades aren't up to par

and you take the SAT, if you score 700 or more,

you can get into college.

- I hope these video lessons are definitely up to par

for you guys.

I hope so.

Next is a boxing idiom, to throw in the towel.

And in boxing, if somebody throws in the towel,

then that just means they give up,

the match is over.

And that's exactly what it means, to give up something.

So if you're tired of doing something,

you don't wanna do it anymore,

you'd say, you know, I'm just gonna throw in the towel.

I'm done, I give up.

Or you might hear it being used that somebody's,

you know, they're trying to encourage you

and tell you not to give up

and they'd say don't throw in the towel.

Don't throw in the towel just yet.

Keep going, keep working hard.

- They're throwing in the towel.

He says once the debts are paid,

there won't be too much left.

- Round after round, I kept getting Frank in to patch me up.

And he's talking about throwing in the towel

but he ain't my manager.

He can't throw in nothin'.

- Maybe it's time to throw in the towel.

- If you guys are thinking, you know,

I'm done learning English, it's too difficult,

I don't wanna do it.

I would tell you, don't give up,

don't throw in the towel just yet.

And I'm not gonna let you off the hook that easy.

I'm always going to encourage you and tell you

to keep going and give it your best shot.

(chuckles) And I'm just gonna keep using these idioms

over and over so that you'll remember them.

Let's just keep going.

We're coming down the home stretch

which means we're getting close to the end

but don't leave just yet.

I have some more great idioms for you.

And this next one is a football idiom.

It's an American football idiom.

And I'm sure some of you might be rolling your eyes

like, uh, American football.

(chuckles) Nobody watches that.

But this idiom is a good one and it is blind sided.

And if somebody is blind sided,

it just means that they did not see something coming.

They did not expect this thing to happen.

You were blind sided by something.

So for example, somebody might tell you some news

that is shocking, like, oh they're getting a divorce.

And you're like, oh my goodness.

I was just blind sided by this.

- It's like you're as blind sided by this

as I was.

(audience laughing)

- I can't believe she blind sided me like this.

Being so nice and friendly to my face.

- So when you're blind sided, it's not really a good thing.

It's something that you weren't expecting

and you would be blind sided by something.

So we often use it with the preposition by.

I was blind sided by this thing that was not good

and I was surprised.

I was blind sided.

Then we have a basketball idiom, slam dunk.

This is probably a phrase that you've heard before

especially if you're a basketball fan.

In basketball, a slam dunk is when you take the ball

and you slam it and hang onto the rim.

Yeah, I can't slam dunk the basketball.

I can't jump.

So if something is a slam dunk, then it just means

it's a sure thing.

It's easy to do, it's easy to accomplish.

You know that you're gonna do this thing

and you say, well, you know, it's a slam dunk.

So you're watching this video right now

and I'm thinking like, hmm, I wonder if they're gonna hit

that like button.

But I know, (button pops)

but I know, you know, it's a slam dunk.

It's a sure thing.

You're gonna hit that like button.


Unless you think this lesson's not up to par.

- It's a slam dunk.

- I hope it's a real slam dunk.

- To me, this decision is a slam dunk.

- The next idiom is call the shots.

This is a billiards idiom

because when you're playing billiards,

you often have to call your shots and point to the pocket

where you want to shoot the ball.

So if somebody calls the shots, it just means

they are making the decisions.

You might often hear this idiom in business

because there's a hierarchy of people from the boss,

the manager, and then you.

And your boss would call the shots.

They would be making the decisions.

- I call the shots, I do what I wanna do.

- So you're calling the shots now, huh?

- Gonna see nothing but the bench this year.

- He ain't callin' the shots.

You'll play.

- So I'm a bit curious if you knew

some of these idioms already.

I hope that you weren't completely blind sided

by these idioms and I hope that you can go on

to use them and try to use them and give it your best shot.

But because this is Interactive English,

I have a bonus idiom for you. (tada music)

And this is going to be a question

and I want you to click on the correct answer.

Before I ask you this question

and you go off to another video,

I want you to hit that like button

if you enjoyed learning these idioms.

So are you ready?

Are you ready for your bonus idiom?

What does it mean to hit below the belt?

What do you think?

Click on the correct meaning.

If something is below the belt,

it's a martial arts idiom.

What do you think it means?

If you don't know, please don't give up

and don't throw in the towel.

Just choose one,

give it your best shot.

Which one do you think it means?

Click on the correct answer.

Or the video's just gonna end.