WOULD - English Grammar - How do I use 'would' correctly?


Would. Hi I'm Arnel from Arnel's Everyday English. And today, we're going

to look at would step by step. Would is a very interesting verb, there isn't one

specific definition. You need to learn when to use wood and in which situations.

So today, it's going to be the grammar basics, with pronunciation. Would like,

would you mind. Hypothetical situations in the present and future, plus giving

advice. Hypothetical situations in the past. Giving polite excuses and past

habits. So we have six steps but don't worry, we're going to look at them step

by step. It's going to be very easy! Are you ready?

You need a pen and a notebook, get ready to:

Take notes! Let's start. The grammar basics, but first, some people think would

is very difficult to pronounce but if you think about it WOULD has the same

pronunciation as WOOD. Would, would, would. Wood, wood, wood. The L in

would, is silent! Okay so, you know wood is a modal verb. Other modal verbs include:

Will, should, shall, can, could, may, might, and must. These are all modal verbs. But

today, it's only would. Okay, rule number one. Modal verbs do not change their form.

I would, you would, he/she/it would, we would, they would. We DO NOT say, he/she/ it


I also cannot say: I am Woulding, yesterday I woulded. Modal verbs do not change

their form. Number two, we always use: Modal verb plus infinitive, without to. Kim

would to go to the beach every Saturday? Kim would go to the beach every Saturday.

The negative is: Would NOT. Kim don't would go to the beach every

Saturday? Kim WOULD NOT go to the beach every

Saturday. Now, do you want to sound more natural in

your speaking? You need to:

Contract. I would, I'd. Say it with me: I'd, I'd, I'd. You would, you'd, you'd, you'd. He'd,

he'd, he'd. She'd, she'd, she'd. It'd, it'd, it'd. We'd, we'd, we'd. They'd, they'd,

they'd. Okay, in this lesson I'm going to contract a lot because it's natural.

Let's move on to number two. Let's go!

Would like/would you mind. These are two very typical phrases with would. I want

you to memorize each of these phrases as one piece of vocabulary. Let's start with

would like. Would like is a very polite way to say: I


I'd like to see a movie tonight. I want to see a movie tonight.

I'd like to buy a sailboat. I want to buy a sailboat.

It's always would like, plus two plus infinitives.

My flatmate would like to paint the kitchen green. My flatmate wants to paint

the kitchen green. My parents would like to meet you. My parents want to meet you.

Common mistake: I like drinking tea with honey.

I would like drinking tea with honey. Why isn't this correct? We have like plus

i n g, like plus i n g. With would like, you'll always use it with two, plus infinitive.

Would you like to drink a tea or a coffee? Do you want to drink a tea or

coffee? Would you like to go out tonight? Do you

want to go out tonight?

Okay! Let's move on to: Would you mind. Would you mind plus verb i n g. Again,

memorize this as one piece of vocabulary. Would you mind

verb i n g, is the same as: Can you please. it's very polite. Would you mind closing

the window? Can you please close the window? Would you mind taking the trash

out tonight? Can you please take the trash out tonight?

Would you mind turning down your music? Can you please turn down your music? Great! Let's keep going.

Okay, we're on to number three. Would + infinitive, without to, is used to speak

about hypothetical situations in the present and future.

What's hypothetical? It's a situation that is not the reality.

Okay, if I had a lot of money I would go on holiday. This is hypothetical. Do I

have a lot of money? No. Can I go on holiday?

No. If I lived in Japan, I would eat sushi every day. This is hypothetical. Do I live

in Japan? No. Can I eat sushi every day? No. If I

didn't have a car, I would cycle to work every day.

Again, this is hypothetical. I do have a car, so I don't need to cycle to work

every day.

We also use would plus infinitive, to give advice.

What's advice? It's something we say to help someone. My neck has been killing me

lately. If I were you, I would see a doctor. If I were you, I would plus

infinitive, is a very typical way we try to give advice. I, were. Is that correct?

Yes it's correct. Normally we say: I was. But, in hypothetical situations we can

use: Were, with any subject. My landlord wants to increase my rent, I don't know

what to do. Really? If I were you, I would find another flat.

Your's is already so expensive! I'm giving my friend advice. My

ex-boyfriend invited me to his wedding. Oh, if I were you I wouldn't go. I'm

trying to help my friend. But what about hypothetical situations in the past?

Would have, plus past participle, is used for hypothetical situations in the past.

What's the past participle? It's verb number three. Eat, ate, eaten. Eaten, is my

past participle. Jump, jumped, jumped. Jumped is my past

participle. If I had studied more when I was younger

I would have been a doctor. This is hypothetical. Did I study a lot when I

was younger? No. Did I become a doctor? No. If I had

left my house 2 minutes earlier, I wouldn't have missed my train! This is

hypothetical. Did I leave my house on time? No. Did I manage to catch my train?


Oh, if I had known you were coming, I would have made dinner! Did I know you

were coming? No.Did I make dinner? No. Everything here

I'm talking about the past in a hypothetical way. Would love to, but. We

use this to give a polite excuse. What's an excuse? It's something we say to tell

someone why we can't do something. Are you coming to my party tomorrow? I would

love to, but tomorrow I'm going to London. Why can't I go to the party? I'm going to

London. That's my excuse. Love to is optional, you don't need to say it. I need

someone to drive me to the airport tomorrow, are you free? I would but

tomorrow I'm working. Why can't I Drive my friend to the airport? Because I'm

working, that's my excuse. Hey do you want to have dinner at my house tonight?

Oh um, dinner tonight at your house? I would I would love to but tonight I'm so

busy. It's Friday night, what are you doing?

Um tonight tonight I am...

I'm taking my pet butterfly to the vet. You're taking your pet butterfly to the

vet? Okay, tomorrow? Tomorrow I would love to but tomorrow I'm working all day.

Tomorrow night 8:00 p.m. and all night I'm working... Okay, we're on to number six, it's the last point in

today's lesson! We use would plus infinitive to speak about past habits. Things that

were normal for you in the past. When I was a teenager, I would wake up late

every day. This was normal for me in the past. Now, I wake up very early.

My mom would pack my lunch for me every day when I went to school. This was

normal for me in the past. In England, people would drink more tea

than they do now. This was normal in the past. Remember you cannot use wood plus

infinitive if your verb is a stative verb. What's a stative verb? They are

emotional non action verbs. Know, remember, believe. These are all

stative verbs. I would love the Spice Girls.

I used to love the Spice Girls. Why can't I say would love? Because here love is a

stative verb, and I'm speaking about past habits. If that's the case use: Used to.

Whoa! Great job today. If you enjoyed the lesson and you want to see more of me,

don't forget, I'm on: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Quora. Just look for Arnel's

Everyday English and I'll see you soon in another video!
