What’s Inside an American Convenience Store?


Hi, everyone! today we gonna be talking about ammerican culture.

Specificaly, we gonna talk about convenience stores.

Convenience stores are small retail shops, they sell wide for area goods. They sell everything from food and drinkings

to snacks, accessories, car maintenance tools

and other things.

The United States has over 150,000 convenience stores around the country.

The largest is Seven-Eleven

franchise. America has a huge

driving culture and it's very normal

to use your cars to commute everywhere.

This means gas stations typically open for long period of time.

In many cases, gas stations open 24/7,

meaning 24 hours 7 days a week.

this makes very convenient for late night drivers.

Convenience stores in U.S. might be little bit different

than what's you use to in home country.

Typically convenience stores are paired with gasoline stands.

So it's pretty weird to find convenience stores

that doesn't have gas popup attached, because of this,

convenience stores typically are found in the major highways or

on the side of the really big roads.

It's really uncommon to see the convenience stores in your neighborhood or

on the small alleys and so on. So, for this reason, it's pretty uncommon to see people walking to visit the convenience store.

The best way to get to the convenience stores is actually to drive there.

The main sources of revenue for most of the convenience stores

in the United States is gasoline about

96% of total revenue for most convenience stores in the United States

come from gasoline sales. For the rest of

revenue comes from sales goods inside of the stores.

Let's take a look some of the foods you can expect to find in a

typical American convenience store. First of all,

you can find a huge selection of snacks, foods,

and various drinks. People spend about 25 million dollars

in 2017 on food inside convenience stores.

But most of the food you find in the convenience stores,

it isn't that nutritious. It's typically stuff

easy to eat while you're driving, and salads aren`t so easy

to eat behind the wheel.

But a bag of potato chips and energy drinks

are pretty convenient for late night drivers. Well, they might not be

the healthy option, they are pretty tasty from time to time.

Some classic American convenience store foods

what you can always find Slim Jim sausages,

pre-made cake and pastries,

bags of potato chips and any candy bar you might want

There are some things you can find

only in the convenience stores in America.

This includes local favorites like boiled peanuts in a ??? parts of America

or freshly delivery crespy cream donuts

Each stores also has its own special tea items

7-11 has its famous cold drinks called the Slurpee

and the chain WoaWoa is known for its coffee.

Well, hot foods are available in the convenience stores in the USA,

they don't have to face reputation

for being grade on flavor

It's pretty common to find selection of hot dogs or microwave sandwiches

that customers heat it up themselves and eat it on the go.

But the problem with these is most of the items are

not actually fresh and they've been sitting under heat land all day,

so they might not have the best flavor and

they might not be the best quality.

there's usually no place to sit down

and eat inside of the convenience store,

as most of the thing sold inside of convenience store are taken along with you as you drive.

There are other section you can expect to find them

in American convenience stores. These includes car supplies,

accessories, a lot of cards, and the ice cream freezer.

Convenience stores in America accept cash and credit cards

and in many cases the pumps itself will

take your credit card payment if you want to go inside

of the convenience stores to make your payment, however, you need to tell

the clerk of the convenience store the number of your pump

and how much you would like to pay.

For example, $ 20 on pump #4,

means you'd like to pay 20 dollars for the gasoline at pump number 4.

so you can use cash to do this or you can use credit card.

So how do American convenience store compare to

convenience stores in your country? What is similar? What is different?

And is there any thing you's like to know about American culture?

Please let us know in the comments.

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and we will see you again soon. Bye bye

I am so good at folding. Oh my god

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...so good...slide that time to time...

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