How is online learning changing higher education?


How is online learning changing higher education?

The whole world of higher education is going digital.

It's a fundamental shift in classrooms and lecture halls,

but also in research, marketing, and recruitment.

Today's students expect to learn and be taught using

the devices that dominate the rest their lives

laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Universities are thinking beyond just filming lectures

from the back of the room and archiving them online.

Teachers are considering how to create high-quality

online courses and keep students engaged

through online text, video, and interaction.

The digital shift also affects how students prepare for class.

Now, they can access resources online

instead of getting a reading list for the library.

Professors can ask students to do online courses

alongside face-to-face classes.

Students will absorb information online first

then attend classes to discuss what they've learned.

Everything has to work on a smartphone

so course design must be mobile-responsive.

In the past, online learning was a lonely experience.

But now, interaction is the dominant way people behave on the web.

So courses are designed to be a sociable experience.

Students might watch a video,

then be invited to join a discussion

and asked questions about it.

The educator takes part in the discussion

and responds to questions,

just like in a traditional classroom.

Increasingly, you will see top universities

offering whole degrees online.

Some are already doing this for graduate degrees.

You'll also see courses

being broken into sections, so that

students can pick the parts they need.

Does this mean that online classes

will overtake the traditional degree?

Not yet. For many 18-year-olds,

the experience of heading off to university

is about more than just an academic degree.

And some subjects, like healthcare and engineering

require hands-on learning.

But when today's students arrive at university

they expect digital technology to be part of the experience.

For more information on digital higher education,

read Simon Nelson's article on British Council Voices

and watch the other videos in this series.