Top 10 Movies for Learning English


Hey Naturals, what's up?

It's your American English teacher Gabby here to help you with your fluency in

English somebody make some popcorn because today we're talking about the top

Ten movies to help you to learn English are you a movie buff do you love?

Watching movies for fun and entertainment. Well. Why not use them to improve your English skills, too

It's a different way of learning English, but it really works when I was learning Spanish

back around

2002 when I really was focused on improving my Spanish fluency I watched every single

Spanish language movie I could get my hands on and I don't mean American movies that were dubbed or subtitled in Spanish

I mean movies made in Spain or Mexico, Argentina

I watched movies like Nueva Ramos and e tu mama tambien and L labyrinth oh and

Elephant not though and what else Amore's perros now you know

I really can't roll my arse even after years and years of Spanish study someone helped me

But that's okay because I can communicate pretty well in Spanish pretty fluently and that's the main thing

not perfection but connection

So what are the top ten movies that I love in English?

And I suggest for you well. Let me tell you

watching movies is such a good way to work on your language skills because

Movies, I mean well, they're not really real life. I mean they are movies not documentaries. They do show you

natural language

They are scripted

But if acting is good

Then they appear natural much more natural than other language learning resources can sometimes be so

Especially if you're an intermediate or advanced language learner why not learn with movies because they also

Give you a look into

Culture and that's why I prefer to watch movies from one particular country

for example if I'm learning Spanish

I would probably try to watch more movies from Mexico because I'm learning Latin American Spanish

Or if I wanted to learn Spanish Spanish European Spanish

I would watch more movies from Spain and that way I could learn

More about that culture and really focus in on the pronunciation from that country not only


But slang words too if you watched my video about different slang words between British and American English

You'll understand there are some big differences, and I learned too. There's some big differences between

European Spanish and Latin American Spanish so movies are a great way to understand

How slang is used to understand culture to see how people actually communicate with each other in everyday situations?

And some not so everyday situations, too if you're watching

Sci-fi thriller Zoar action movies also movies are really fun

And they'll give you something to talk about with your english-speaking friends and of course

Watching movies is going to improve your listening skills as long as you don't completely

always 100% rely on subtitles

so I'll talk about that a little bit too when to use subtitles and

When you shouldn't so if you are more of a beginner

high beginner low intermediate or even an intermediate English language learner

Then you can use subtitles. I really suggest that you watch a movie the first time with the subtitles on

So that you can at least get a really confident idea of what the movies about and then watch it again

Without the subtitles paying really close attention to the words that you're hearing

So if you're familiar with the concept of the movie that will help you to understand it as well, so

Try to choose movies that are about topics that you're already familiar with and that'll help you to understand when you're watching in English

Definitely don't choose movies that are boring

It's really great to watch classic movies

But let's be honest some of them are a little bit slow and boring so just choose something

You are interested in something that you enjoy and don't feel pressured to watch a movie

Just because somebody else says it's on a list of the 100 classic movies that you must watch before you die or something like that

Watch something that short and light small bits of movies broken up are

Better than trying to do a movie marathon in English you don't want to overwhelm yourself or get fatigued from listening to English

For too long keep it fun and enjoyable

It's just like going to the gym and starting to work out again after not working out for a long time just

Start small lift some light weights and keep going day after day

And it's gonna get easier and before you know it you're gonna be lifting heavy weights and watching long movies

That's the same thing right if you're watching movies by yourself

then try to listen and repeat what you hear you can pause the movie and

Copy what you just heard the actors say


You can try a shadowing or imitation technique and try to talk

Along with the movie at the same time that you hear the actors speaking so that's pretty tiring though

So I would recommend not doing that for the entire movie. Maybe just for five minutes also

I don't suggest doing that if you're watching it with other people if you're watching a movie with your friends

That's awesome, but maybe you won't be able to repeat after what you hear

But try watching movies with your friends with other people who are learning English

Have a movie night for your English study club or your colleagues who are interested in English?

And that's a great way to form a community

And to enjoy the movie together and then talk about it afterwards in English of course finally

I really encourage you to keep an english movie

Journal where you could jot down new words that you hear to look up in the dictionary

after you watch the movie

and you could write a summary of the movie or write your opinion of the movie that later you could share in a

conversation with your english-speaking friends

Without further ado let me share my top 10 favorite movies in English

for you to learn English

number 1

Forrest Gump Forrest Gump is a classic

But it's a classic that I love I will never get tired of this movie

And it shows you a glimpse into the American South it's such a fun movie

I highly recommend it next the King's Speech. This movie is all about

Speaking English it's a real movie

But you get a pronunciation lesson in it so a win win number three

The break-up for something a little bit lighter a comedy about relationships

I really enjoyed this movie so check it out. If you're kind of interested in that kind of

Light romantic comedy next if you love all-out

comedy try The Hangover The Hangover is

Hilarious it's really funny. So it's about a group of guys that go to Las Vegas

And they get a little crazy, and well you'll see I don't want to spoil it

Next another light comedy romance which are called rom-coms. Yeah, romantic comedy is

500 days of summer I watched this one in theatres when it first came out

And it was really fun so if you want something light a rom-com check it out

next number six one of my personal all-time favorite movies ever

Because it has themes of freedom and independence


fighting for what you want in life is

the Shawshank Redemption

It's an amazing movie

It's a little bit older

but I think you'll enjoy it because it's just

Moving I mean if you cry at the end don't blame me number five if you like Tom Hanks. You have to watch

Castaway castaway was a really fun movie to watch for me because I always loved that question

What would you do if you were stranded on a deserted island?

And this movie is all about that Tom Hanks is an amazing actor in this movie

So I think you'll really enjoy it number eight. It's a classic fun movie for adults and kids Toy Story

You've got a watch Toy Story. It is just fun

so if you have kids

Definitely watch this with them number two The Hunger Games this movie has been huge in pop culture lately

I'm gonna tell you a secret. I'm really sorry. I have not seen it yet well

Let me know if you have seen it

Should I watch it finally number 10 if you use facebook? You have to watch the social network

Most people are using Facebook these days, and so you'll totally understand this movie

Even if you haven't seen it before even if you don't watch it with subtitles

I think that the idea of the movie is gonna be really clear because it's about how Facebook was

Founded so there you have it my top


Movies for you to improve your English language skills these will help you a lot with your listening and with your speaking if you try

shadowing or

Imitating what you hear the actors saying so hey?

Let me know what you think of this list and if you watch the movies

Tell me what you think in the comments leave a comment below

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Then subscribe to go natural English click right over there

You can learn much more with me when you download my ebook the English fluency

Formula click right up there to learn how to do that

And if you want to keep watching well watch another tip right down below alright. Thanks so much

I'll see you again soon bye for now