EnglishMeeting - Greetings-2 Vocab & Phrases


When you meet people in different situations whether or not you're in native speakers of English it can be very uncomfortable, are awkward, you may even feel embarrassed.

But if you know the right phrases to say, you will never feel awkward or uncomfortable again.

Annual be able to talk to people, feel good about yourself and feel very confident thru ought the whole process.

Let's go over a few things.

Hi, I'm Dave Sconda. Thanks for watching this EnglishMeeting video.

Nice day?

Greeting/Meeting People.

Pause (stop) the video in order to practice the phrases with the correct intonation!

Play it as many times as you want!

First, to greet a person you have not seen in a long time

Informal: (upward intonation)

Long time no see.

Hey John long time no see


I haven't seen you in ages.

Hey Tony, what have you been up to!

Where have you been hiding yourself!


Mr. Soprano, it has been a long time, nice to see you.

When you are surprised to see someone, for example if you are at a shopping mall and you see someone you know unexpectedly, you could say


Hey! Hey Susan!

Susan Hi! How are you!

Fancy meeting you here!

What are you doing in this neck of the woods!

Neck of the woods means area or location.

Notice my intonations. The intonation goes upward there's a lot of energy in these phrases.

If you say them with monotone or a downward inflactions you will not be conveying the cracked message.

You want convey a friendly warm connection with the other person.

So you do not wanna say

Susan hi, how are you?

That gives the wrong message.

Hay Susan hi, how are you!

That's intonation you want to use.

Okay, let's try it formal:

For example let's say you are surprised to see someone you know like your boss or maybe your instructor that you don't know too well.


Mr. Sacramoni, hello, I'm Christofer, from your class. It's nice to see you.

Or you can say: It's good to see you.

If you are somewhere and you see some person or someone too much and felts awkward or uncomfortable. For example if you are at a shopping mall and you see a friend of yours 3 or more times that day as you walk to different stores and maybe go to different places in that mall or you are at school and during the day when you are walking to your classes you see someone you know again and again you could say:

Hey, we keep running into each other!

Have a little laugh or you could say:

Are you following me?

If that person saysno

You can say (as a joke):

Good, cause I'm following you!

If you say something like this it makes both people feel more comfortable and usually both people have a short laugh.

Take a control and use one of these phrases so you don't feel uncomfortable.

Thanks again for watching and stop by EnglishMeeting.com for more audio and video.

I'll see you next time!