Learning English - Ask Misterduncan - 1


hi everybody this is mr. Duncan in England how are you today are you OK I

hope so are you happy I hope so welcome to the

first ever edition of ask mr. Duncan from now on I will be presenting a

weekly English forum featuring questions asked by you so as I have no questions

to read out yet I will instead talk about some of the past questions which

have been raised and sent to me over the past three years from out there on the

worldwide web question 1 why do you make these lessons

and how will they help me the reason why I make these lessons is to give a vivid

and hopefully fun way to learn and improve your spoken or oral English

skills a common problem shared by people learning English is that there are not

enough chances to hear and read English as it is spoken at a clearer pace or

speed the other common problem is that many students can read English but

cannot speak it confidently as I have said before confidence is where your

spoken English ability comes from with practice it grows the more confidence

you become then the more you will want to use English and over time your

shyness will begin to fade my teaching experience in China allowed me to

understand the real needs of those who were not lucky enough to have the chance

to speak English with other people for instance the city I lived in had very

few foreign teachers working there during my four years teaching in China I

built up a real sense of empathy which meant

I came to fully understand the problems faced by those wanting to speak English

out loud and with confidence question - can I buy your lessons on DVD at the

moment my lessons are only available here on YouTube but the good news is

that all my material here is given away for free it costs you nothing to watch

my lessons the reason for this is clear I want as many people as possible to be

able to access and hopefully benefit from my work all my ask mr. Duncan

videos will also be given out for free question 3 why do you teach English in

English this is a very common question normally asked by people who are native

English speakers in the USA Canada and UK one of the main features of all my

lessons is that they each carry full subtitles everything spoken by me is

also written somewhere on the screen as you can see right now this allows each

person watching to not only listen to my words but also follow them in writing as

they are spoken this creates a virtual English environment and the real beauty

is that the viewer can go back and watch a part they are unsure of again and

again and again and again until they understand it this repeating exercise is

a very important part of learning any language and English is no exception

that is almost it from me on this first ever ask mr. Duncan before I go I would

like to say a special hello to some of my friends here on YouTube and my

Facebook page a special hello to Beamish and to here in Pakistan Christina in

Italy Marcia in Brazil who is also a teacher and Matias in Hungary if you

would like a special hello then don't forget to write to my email address and

of course tell me your name and where you are also if you have a question for

me that email address will be coming up soon that is all from me see you next

time when I will be answering some of your questions who knows it could be

yours this is mr. Duncan in England saying to

tar for now